Mccain concession speech
Mccain concession speech Originally uploaded by swan lake samba girl…
Screaming and honking in ny streets
Screaming and honking in ny streets Originally uploaded by swan…
I'm moving to the lower east side
I’m moving to the lower east side Originally uploaded by…
Woooo! Originally uploaded by swan lake samba girl via mobile.…
At bowery wine bar
At bowery wine bar Originally uploaded by swan lake samba…
Holy Crappola
My neighborhood was nothing like this! At least not mid-day…
What Will This Day Bring?!
Great thing having a view of your voting place…
DWTS: live blogging the team match
Can they come up with something better than having Kym…
Race and Dance and Politics and Literature
If you haven’t already, make sure to read (and listen…
"Don't worry; we're not in bikinis!"
“don’t worry; we’re not in bikinis!” Originally uploaded by swan…
Shopping Originally uploaded by swan lake samba girl via mobile.…
Flames of paris
Flames of paris Originally uploaded by swan lake samba girl…