Officially Bitten
by the Ethan bug! Yes, I’ve repeatedly rolled my eyes…
Lovely, Poetic TangoBalletOpera At Skirball Center
Last night, Philip invited me to a type of concert…
You Know You’re Overworked
when you completely forget about your countdown 🙁 As of…
Required Reading For The Day
I love this! When’s the book coming out here, when…
Sir Alastair Speaks!
But he didn’t say much. And I should probably stop…
"The New York City Dance Community"
I don’t know who in the dance community annoys me…
Dance community photo in bryant park
Dance community photo in bryant park Originally uploaded by swan…
Petipa is the New Black
“‘What color would you say this is?’ Lana asked, handing…
Times Joins SYTYCD Debate, Ignoring Some But Not All Blogs
Claudia LaRocco writes briefly in today’s NYTimes about TV show…
Survived First Dance Class in Four Months!
Okay, how come I always look like an ass in…
David Speaks!
Matt posted a little video he made of him and…
If Only!
“It turned out it was Lana who had to have…